Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week7 ~ Brush strokes

This the my task for the 7th week. For me this task was quite fun. We had to pick a picture and trace it out using the brush tool. There were many exciting types of brushes we could pick from to make our tracing look more similar to the original image.

Week6 ~ Shadow and Highlight

This is my task for the 6th week. We had to pick a black and white picture. Then I traced it out and added the shadows and highlights that the real picture contained.

Week5 ~ Album Art2

This is my second album art. This one is more to a rock album because it is one of my favourite bands.

Week5 ~ Album Art1

Our task for the 5th week is to design an album cover. Personally, this was the hardest for me because we had to use more shapes rather than pictures that would bring out the type of music the album represented. I used the brush tool to draw the girl on the headphones and then I just play around with some shapes for the background.

Week4 ~ Magazine Cover

On our 4th week, we designed a magazine cover. This was quite fun as we could apply any ideas we have into this task. Since I'm a music freak, I did a magazine on rock music.

Week3 ~ Clipping mask

Our task for the second week is clipping mask. I chose this picture of a girl. I focused a lot on her eyes because they are beautiful.

Week2 ~ Tracing Work

This is my task for the second week. Our lecturer asked us to find a picture we like and then trace it out using the pen tool. After that, I added colour to the picture. I took around two days to finish this picture.

Week1 ~ Logo Tracing

On my first week, I learnt how to trace logos. We used the pen tool to trace the logo. I chose this Starbucks logo because I'm a huge fan of coffee. :)