Wednesday, October 28, 2015


For this task we are supposed to pick a topic first then design a poster. I picked the topic beauty.

Nowadays, people then to categorize how beauty show look when people tend to forget that there's beauty in everyone. Most importantly, there's beauty in their flaws which we tend to negatively condemn.Beauty presents a standard of comparison, and it can cause resentment and dissatisfaction when not achieved. People who do not fit the "beauty ideal" may be ostracized within their communities. The television sitcom Ugly Betty portrays the life of a girl faced with hardships due to society's unwelcoming attitudes toward those they deem unattractive. However, a person may also be targeted for harassment because of their beauty. In Malèna, a strikingly beautiful Italian woman is forced into poverty by the women of the community who refuse to give her work for fear that she may "woo" their husbands. The documentary Beauty in the Eyes of the Beheld explores both the societal blessings and curses of female beauty through interviews of women considered beautiful.

So this is the poster I designed in different backgrounds.

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